Focus of the Study

     Pasig... this blog aims to introduce and tour you in the wonders of Pasig. From its historical past, up to its modernized present. From the historical places, shrines and monuments that symbolize the major role played by Pasig to the Philippine history up to its business, medical and socialite centers today.

     The blog is divided into five parts, which is categorized based on the city's name: P-Pook, A-Alamat, S-Sistema, I-Ilog, G-Galing.


     P-Pook features the historical places found in the city like:

A. Bitukang Manok - If early civilization in China has Yang Tze and Huang Ho river, and Mesopotamia has Tigris-Euphrates river, Pasig City has also a river where early civilization settled, and it is the Bitukang Manok. It is also considered as a part of today’s Pasig River;

B. Bahay na Tisa - A stone-made house that was built by Don Cecilio Tech Cabrera on 1850 and a popular destination for those movie producers who want to show the ambiance of the Spanish Colonial Era to the Filipino People;

C. Dimas-Alang Bakery - Certified Historical Bake Shop not only here in Pasig, but also in the whole nation. Dimas-Alang bakery was named after the pen name of our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Popular for its luscious breads and other pastries like “Di ko Akalain”;

D. Concepcion Mansion - A right place for the people who want to fully understand the History, Geography, and Culture of our dearest City, Pasig City. The fact that it was used by the Japanese as their Headquarters and Detention center makes this structure unique and historical;

E. Immaculate Conception Cathedral - The very first Marian Parish church in the Philippines that was built by Augustinian priest on 1572. The present rector of the Cathedral is Rev. Fr. Orlando B. Cantillon, Vicar General of the Diocese of Pasig;

F. Bahay Kuwago - The Asemblea Magna led by Gat Andres Bonifacio was held here between May 1 - 12, 1896. It witnessed the heroism of our ancestors for peace, freedom, and prosperity;

G. Andres Bonifacio Cenotaph -  A cenotaph of Gat Andres Bonifacio was built on 1932 to give honor to the heroism of the Katipuneros of Pasig during the Spanish Era; 

H. Plaza Rizal - Found at the center of other historical spots in Pasig, such as Immaculate Conception, Concepcion Mansion, and Bahay na Tisa, a plaza was built and named after our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, to give honor and acknowledgement to his works.


     A-Alamat features the etymology of Pasig. The name Pasig is believed to come from the Sanskrit word “passis” or sand which refers to the community on the sandy river bank. Some historians trace the name of Pasig to the Tagalog word mabagsik which means violent action that describes the river's current that brings logs from Montalban to Manila.

     Aside from that, there are lots of famous legends on where Pasig got its name. One of these is the Legend of Paz and Virgilio. It is about the the two lovers, Virgilio and Paz, who usually spent their evening together on the banks of the river riding on a banca. The banca capsized and the current carried Virgilio who did not how to swim. He called on Paz to go after him, "Paz, sigue me" but he continue to be carried away until all that could be heard was "Paz sig." From then on, the river was named Pasig and the land along the river was likewise referred to as Pasig.


     S-Sistema features the system of government existing in the city of Pasig and  the system of living existing in the lives of every Pasigueño that contributes in the city's social development.


      I-Ilog features the significance of the Pasig River to the lives of Pasigueños then and now.


     G-Galing features the achievements of the city brought by different personalities like:

A. Valentin Cruz -The leader of the first uprising of the Katipuneros against the Spanish forces known as "Nagsabado sa Pasig";

B. Lope K. Santos - A poet, novelist, essayist, critic, and also, the first Pasigueño senator (12th district 1921-1922). His Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa (1946) became the official textbook;

C. Jovito R. Salonga - The first Pasigueño who became a Senate President, who went down in history for leading the rejection of the American bases treaty, and now known as a Filipino Leader for All Seasons; and

D. Vicente P. Eusebio, Soledad C. Eusebio, and Bobby C. Eusebio - who are known for making a difference in Pasig City.