
Building the Team

       Before the day dreaming of winning a challenge of featuring the History and Society of Pasig, we had a tough time of not just building the team but to look for a solid team for the tasks to be a master piece that was simple but exceptional one. The search for the talented and responsible team members was done by our moderator, Mr. Joseph Ong. The group was divided into four subgroups, the video-editors (Ivy Ramos and Aimar Fatima Nisperos), encoders (Harold Villastique, Emmanuel Dunan and Paul Capili), scriptwriters and narrators (Marecris Bataller, Keith Benedicto, and Dave Duhan) and design experts (Vanessa Nevada and Angela Campos). Since Ivy had a background in the three subgroups, the group had decided to have her as the team leader.

Brainstorming Grinding

After having the responsible team bloggers, we straight had a meeting about the things that we were going to establish. Since all the team members had their interest in the history of Pasig City, it was decided to have History and Society as the blog's category given that a lot of major historical events happened in Pasig before but many were unaware of it. After having the research on Pasig's history and society, setting of deadlines for each tasks was done. Moreover, the team gazed for the first entity that we were going to focus with; just like the title wherein we plumped to use P(pook) A(alamat) S(sistema) I(ilog) G(galing). The team decided to create a modern style but old-look template for the blog so it would fit the contest's objective and its category.

Video Editing

       Ivy Ramos, together with her side kick Aimar Fatima Nisperos were tied up with their magic spells in accomplishing the stressful editing and integration of not just only the quality of the videos but the quantity of knowledge the viewer can get after viewing the blog. They used the software Adobe Photoshop CS4 for photoediting and animations, Adobe Lightroom, and Cyberlink PowerDirector for the video editting. After having the videos edited, the team started to upload it to and embed it to the blog.


August 19, 2011

Choosing the Category / Selection of Topic

Mr. Joseph Ong

It was decided to have the category of History and Society featuring the Historical Spots in Pasig; Legend of Pasig; System of Living of Pasigueños and System of Government existing in the city; part played by Pasig River to Pasigueños then and now; and the achievements of Pasig brought by its social development.

August 20-29, 2011

Data Gathering


Researches from reliable sources were done on the focuses of the study
August 30, 2011

Tour around Pasig

Mr. Joseph Ong

Ideas for the video flow were created.

August 30, 2011

Making of Plan

Mr. Joseph OngThe outline of the research was finalized.

August 30, 2011

DPSA Ano ang Kwento Mo Registration

Mrs. Eleanor V. de Roja

The team was registered to the contest.

September 9, 2011

Creation of Time Frames

Mr. Joseph Ong

Tasks were distributed to each researcher and deadlines for each task were set.

September 30, 2011

Deadline of Scripts


Scripts for each video were created.

October 3, 2011

Finalization of Script

Mr. Joseph Ong/ Ivy Ramos

Scripts were finalized.

October 7, 2011

Shooting for Pook Video

Mr. Joseph Ong

Videos were gathered about the historical spots in Pasig.

October 21, 2011

Shooting for Alamat Video

Mr. Joseph Ong

A puppet show video was created for the Legend of Pasig.

October 28, 2011

Interview about Dimasalang Bakery

Ivy Ramos/ Aimar Fatima Nisperos The owner told the story about their 109-year-old bakery.
November 2, 2011Shooting for Ilog Video/Interview about the river

Marecris Bataller/ Ivy Ramos/Aimar 
Fatima Nisperos

The interviewees told the story about the importance of the river to a Pasigueño then and now.

November 3-5, 2011

Video Editing

Video editors

Editing of videos was started.

November 9, 2011

Interview with Pasig City Museum curator and consultants

Mr. Wensley M. Reyes
Ms. Lilimay Manalo-Castor
Mr. Danim Majerano

The curator and consultants gave facts about the history and society of Pasig.
November 10-11, 2011

Final Editing of Videos

video editors

November 11, 2011Uploading of Videos

Mr. Joseph Ong/ Ivy Ramos

Videos were uploaded to youtube and embedded to the blog.

November 13, 2011Final EditingMr. Joseph Ong/ Ivy Ramos/ Keith Benedicto/ Dave Duhan/ Harold VillastiqueThe blog was checked for errors and was finalized.

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